Thursday, October 18, 2012


Woah! Guys!!! I made a vlog! 
I didn't think I'd ever do one, but then today I was like... I should just go for it. 
It's extremely awkward, if you can't tell by that beautiful video thumbnail. Like really Youtube? Why that picture? You have the whole video you could have frozen my face at... and you chose that second. Beautiful.
Anyway, if you make it through you are an angel face. I say um 193738 times, and radiate awkwardness, but I'll love you forever if you watch and then comment on this post! 
So here you go...

So, isn't all that awesome?! I'm still excited!! 
Anywhere I promised a link to influenster... so just click here....
So I guess that's all. (: Thanks for stopping by today!!
Also linking up here...!


  1. Congrats on the VLOG! haha love it!

    1. Thank you! Isn't it (awkward) beautiful?! Bahaha!

  2. You are adorable! :) I have yet to make a blog so I totally admire you for just doing it! I need to get on it! Hope you have a great day!

    1. Aww, thank you! It's so weird watching myself on a video, and then there's an extra 2 seconds at the end that's just awkward... Anyway thank you! I love when people do vlogs, cause you get to hear them and the way they talk, it's just fun! Hope your day's going good too. (:
